Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Substance Abuse - Tobacco




Stage 6


HSC Option 1: The Health of Young People

Critical Question

Do Australia's young people enjoy good health?

Skill Outcome:


Syllabus Learning Outcomes :

H2 analyses and explains the health status of Australians in terms of current trends and groups most at risk

H6 demonstrates a range of personal health skills that enables them to promote and maintain health

PDHPE Skills


Problem Solving

Students Learn About:

• substance abuse

− tobacco

Students Learn To:

• analyse the two selected areas in terms of

− the general nature of the area

− the extent of impact

− the major related social factors


Smoking is usually taken up by young people during early secondary years; therefore it is essential to educate students during this stage of their life (NSW Department of Education and Training). It has been proven the younger the person is whilst 'experimenting' with tobacco the great risk they are to form an addiction of nicotine during their adulthood. It has also been proven young people are more likely to experiment with tobacco equating in 8 out of 10 new smokers being those undertaking early secondary education (2001).

KLA Integration:

Technology (specifically ICT and web browsing)

Mathematics – calculating costs of smoking

English- writing a letter

Assumed Knowledge:

Basic idea of nature and extent of tobacco on a person's health. Completion on core one (information on cancer).

Diverse Learner

This activity is split into 3 parts

  1. Brainstorming: for students who learn best by gathering their thoughts onto a page.
  2. Maths Task and fact sheet: for students who like specific answers and facts
  3. Real life story and letter: for students who learn the best from real life situations and who enjoy writing.

Academic Literacy

Literacy is used throughout this activity with the following: Cancer Council fact sheet, Canada Health fact sheet and background information from the NSW Department of Education.



  1. In your workbooks create a brainstorming page on the consequences of tobacco. Split this page into half, with one side labelled physical effects and the other side social/financial costs of smoking.
  2. Without sourcing any extra information brainstorm all the effects of tobacco you can think of.
  3. Once you have made a substantive effort, you may read the fact sheet for further examples.
  4. Your task now is to think of something that you are saving money for or something you wish to save money for (i.e. holiday, car, clothes, xbox etc). Make a list of these on a new page in your book with cost of each of these written next to them. You are now to consider those young people who smoke a packet a day and how they are 'smoking their money away'. In order to do this, calculate how much money they spend a day, a week, a year and every five years on tobacco products (if an average packer of cigarettes costs $14).
  5. You are now to research the fact sheet When doing this you are to create a brief mindmap on the extent of tobacco on young people in Australia.


Real life story task

  1. In order to start this task you are required to watch the story of Sean Marsee on YouTube
  2. Your task now is to think of those young people around you who do use tobacco products and the effect this has on them. Without naming the person you are required to write a letter to this person warning them of the effects tobacco has on their health. You are to focus on the social factors, extent and nature of tobacco on young people's lives.
  3. Ensure your letter is in the correct format, here is a link with a template of a letter
  4. You are now required to email the letter to and you may send this to a person who is a user of tobacco products.


Reference List

Cancer Council NSW. (2007). Young People and Smoking. Retrieved October 20, 2008, from

Health Canada. (2008). Healthy Living. Retrieved October 20, 2008, from

New South Wales Department of Education and Training (2001). Smoke screen: a smoking prevention resource [Teaching kit]. Sydney: New South Wales Department of Education and Training.

YouTube. (2007, October 18) Quit Smoking Now: The Story Of Sean Marsee [video]. Retrieved October 20, 2008 from

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