Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sexuality and Gender Difference




Stage 5


Strand 3: Individual and Community Health

Skill Outcome:


Problem Solving

Decision Making

Syllabus Learning Outcomes :

Outcome 5.6 A student analyses attitudes, behaviours and consequences related to health issues affecting young people.

Students Learn About:

sexual health

– qualities valued in a partner

– appropriately expressing and exploring

sexual feelings

– power, gender and risk-taking

– sexual choices and their consequences

– planning and managing sexual health

Students Learn To:

• analyse how sexual attitudes, behaviours and sexuality are influenced by gender expectations and assumptions


During adolescence teens are going through a stage in their lives where they experience varying feelings. It is important for these students to acknowledge the different aspects of individuality and sexuality. It is also important with gain a sense of empathy for difference in society.

KLA Integration:

Technology (ICT and web browsing)

Creative arts (drawing and developing a collage)

Diverse Learner

This activity primarily is for students who learn best whilst being creative. It turns away from the pen and paper learning to allow students to express their thoughts on a more personal and sensitive manner.

Academic Literacy

Whilst constructing this activity I did not think it would be effective to use academic literacy as sexuality is such a personal and sensitive topic.



    Scavenger Hunt

  1. In this task you are to those specific gender expectations and assumptions e.g. females are always in the kitchen.
  2. Your task is to search the internet, newspapers and magazines for examples of these assumptions. You are to cut these images out and create a collage on an A4 piece of paper.
  3. Once you have created the collage your task is to answer the following questions by commenting on this blog.
    1. Why do you think there are these 'assumptions and expectations'?
    2. Do you think these 'assumptions and expectations' influence a person's behaviour and sexuality? Why?
    3. Thinking of those around you, do you think these assumptions are correct?
    4. Do you think these assumptions and expectations are a problem in society?
    5. Provide examples of these expectations are changing in society.
    6. Do you think these assumptions depict the makeup of a relationship?
  4. Your task now is to examine the following pieces of stimulus material. You are to comment on how they do or do not adhere to gender expectations and what your feelings are whilst you view them. Place your comment at the bottom of this blog post.

(David Beckham - note the contrast of David and the man with the white singlet in the background)


Katy Perry
I Kissed a Girl lyrics

This was never the way I planned
Not my intention
I got so brave, drink in hand
Lost my discretion
It's not what, I'm used to
Just wanna try you on
I'm curious for you
Caught my attention

I kissed a girl and I liked it
The taste of her cherry chap stick
I kissed a girl just to try it
I hope my boyfriend don't mind it
It felt so wrong
It felt so right
Don't mean I'm in love tonight
I kissed a girl and I liked it
I liked it

No, I don't even know your name
It doesn't matter,
You're my experimental game
Just human nature,
It's not what,
Good girls do
Not how they should behave
My head gets so confused
Hard to obey

I kissed a girl and I liked it
The taste of her cherry chap stick
I kissed a girl just to try it
I hope my boyfriend don't mind it
It felt so wrong
It felt so right
Don't mean I'm in love tonight
I kissed a girl and I liked it
I liked it,

Us girls we are so magical
Soft skin, red lips, so kissable
Hard to resist so touchable
Too good to deny it
Ain't no big deal, it's innocent

I kissed a girl and I liked it
The taste of her cherry chap stick
I kissed a girl just to try it
I hope my boyfriend don't mind it
It felt so wrong
It felt so right
Don't mean I'm in love tonight
I kissed a girl and I liked it
I liked it


Steve Irwin


Celebrity Wedding


  1. Your task now is to draw an annotated diagram of a male and female that depicts what they truly are without 'assumptions or expectations'. Next to the pictures suggest a promotional method to decrease gender stereotypes.


Reference List

Celebrific. (2007). The Beckhams [photograph]. Retrieved October 20, 2008, from

Perry, K. (2008). I Kissed a Girl. Retrieved October 20, 2008, from

Wikimedia. (2007). Steve Irwin [Photograph]. Retrieved October 20, 2008, from

Your Celebrity Stuff. (2008). Ellen Degereres and Portia De Rossi Wedding [photograph]. Retrieved October 20, 2008, from

Substance Abuse - Tobacco




Stage 6


HSC Option 1: The Health of Young People

Critical Question

Do Australia's young people enjoy good health?

Skill Outcome:


Syllabus Learning Outcomes :

H2 analyses and explains the health status of Australians in terms of current trends and groups most at risk

H6 demonstrates a range of personal health skills that enables them to promote and maintain health

PDHPE Skills


Problem Solving

Students Learn About:

• substance abuse

− tobacco

Students Learn To:

• analyse the two selected areas in terms of

− the general nature of the area

− the extent of impact

− the major related social factors


Smoking is usually taken up by young people during early secondary years; therefore it is essential to educate students during this stage of their life (NSW Department of Education and Training). It has been proven the younger the person is whilst 'experimenting' with tobacco the great risk they are to form an addiction of nicotine during their adulthood. It has also been proven young people are more likely to experiment with tobacco equating in 8 out of 10 new smokers being those undertaking early secondary education (2001).

KLA Integration:

Technology (specifically ICT and web browsing)

Mathematics – calculating costs of smoking

English- writing a letter

Assumed Knowledge:

Basic idea of nature and extent of tobacco on a person's health. Completion on core one (information on cancer).

Diverse Learner

This activity is split into 3 parts

  1. Brainstorming: for students who learn best by gathering their thoughts onto a page.
  2. Maths Task and fact sheet: for students who like specific answers and facts
  3. Real life story and letter: for students who learn the best from real life situations and who enjoy writing.

Academic Literacy

Literacy is used throughout this activity with the following: Cancer Council fact sheet, Canada Health fact sheet and background information from the NSW Department of Education.



  1. In your workbooks create a brainstorming page on the consequences of tobacco. Split this page into half, with one side labelled physical effects and the other side social/financial costs of smoking.
  2. Without sourcing any extra information brainstorm all the effects of tobacco you can think of.
  3. Once you have made a substantive effort, you may read the fact sheet for further examples.
  4. Your task now is to think of something that you are saving money for or something you wish to save money for (i.e. holiday, car, clothes, xbox etc). Make a list of these on a new page in your book with cost of each of these written next to them. You are now to consider those young people who smoke a packet a day and how they are 'smoking their money away'. In order to do this, calculate how much money they spend a day, a week, a year and every five years on tobacco products (if an average packer of cigarettes costs $14).
  5. You are now to research the fact sheet When doing this you are to create a brief mindmap on the extent of tobacco on young people in Australia.


Real life story task

  1. In order to start this task you are required to watch the story of Sean Marsee on YouTube
  2. Your task now is to think of those young people around you who do use tobacco products and the effect this has on them. Without naming the person you are required to write a letter to this person warning them of the effects tobacco has on their health. You are to focus on the social factors, extent and nature of tobacco on young people's lives.
  3. Ensure your letter is in the correct format, here is a link with a template of a letter
  4. You are now required to email the letter to and you may send this to a person who is a user of tobacco products.


Reference List

Cancer Council NSW. (2007). Young People and Smoking. Retrieved October 20, 2008, from

Health Canada. (2008). Healthy Living. Retrieved October 20, 2008, from

New South Wales Department of Education and Training (2001). Smoke screen: a smoking prevention resource [Teaching kit]. Sydney: New South Wales Department of Education and Training.

YouTube. (2007, October 18) Quit Smoking Now: The Story Of Sean Marsee [video]. Retrieved October 20, 2008 from

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Road Risk




Stage 6


HSC Option 1: The Health of Young People

Critical Question

Do Australia's young people enjoy good health?

Syllabus Learning Outcomes :

H14 argues the benefits of health promoting actions and choices that promote social justice

H15 critically analyses key issues affecting the health of Australians and proposes ways of working towards better health for all

Skill Outcomes


Decision Making

Students Learn About:

• risk taking and road related injuries

− motor vehicle accidents (driver, passengers, pedestrians and other road users)

− negative risk taking behaviours, (eg speeding, drink driving)

Students Learn To:

• Critically analyse a health promotion program designed to promote the health of young people.


During Stage 6, students are primarily at the stage in their lives where they and the people around them are getting their provisional license. It is important for these students to understand risk factors whilst driving and the reasons they as young people tend to have the highest incidence road related fatalities. By focusing on health promotions, students will have the ability to critique the advertisements ability to build personal skills, as well as analysing its ability to create awareness of such a significant health issue.

KLA Integration:

Technology (specifically ICT and web browsing)

English – ability to write responses and knowledge of key terms e.g. Justify, analyse.

Assumed Knowledge:

Knowledge of risk factors and basic knowledge of those most at risk of being involved in a road related injury. Completion of HSC core 1.

Diverse Learner

This activity is divided into 3 parts

  1. Internet search: for students who learn best interactively.
  2. Watching promotion video and answering discussion questions: from students who learn visually and for those who learn best from their peers.

Academic Literacy

The academic literacy used in this activity is sourced from the 'little pinkie' anti speeding campaign; create by the NSW Road and Traffic Authority.



Welcome students, this week's task will have the focus on road related injuries. Please follow the sequence of activities. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me through email at

  1. Your first task is to log onto and specifically search for 'anti speeding campaign' or 'road safety campaign'.
  2. Whilst watching these health promotional campaigns, answer the following questions (in your work book) on at least 3 of the YouTube clips.

    What negative risk taking behaviour is this advertisement focusing on?

    Who were the people in the advertisements? Age? Sex? Race?

    What types of personal skills was the advertisement trying to promote?



Do you think this advertisement was effective? Why?




    Rate this advertisement out of 10.    



  1. After watching the advertisements, which one do you think was the most effective?

    Write a brief statement in your work book on whether you found a common link between each of the health promotion advertisements (e.g. all about young people, men etc.). Why do you think this is the case?


  2. Your task now is to critically analyse a health promotional program. For the purpose of this activity you will be focusing on the Road and Traffic Authorities (2007) 'Speeding – no one thinks big of you' health promotion program. To view this advertisement/program click on the following link


  3. After watching this advertisement and reading the blurb under it, you are to complete 2 of the following tasks. Once all distance education students have completed these tasks a collection will be posted on this blog for a forum discussion. Your responses should be at least 200 words each and emailed through to . if you are not sure of the key word at the start of each question click on the following link for definitions
  • Describe the socio-culture factors that influence the driver's behaviour in the advertisement.
  • Critique this advertisements ability to change the risk taking culture of young people.
  • Evaluate why the Roads and Traffic Authority has included a wide range of people (ages, sexes, people on the street and mates) condemning the
    drivers behaviour in the campaign.
  • Discuss the meaning of the 'little pinkie' and the impact it will have on the community.
  • Recommend a technique that you think could be used to combat young people's involvement in road accidents.
  • Examine possible effects and implications (positive and negative) the advertisement may have on:    
    • Passengers
    • Pedestrians
    • Other road users
    • Drivers


Reference List

Roads and Traffic Authority NSW. (2007, June). Speeding – no one thinks big of you. Retrieved October 20, 2008, from