Sunday, November 2, 2008

Substance Abuse: Alcohol




Stage 5


Strand 3: Individual and Community Health

Skill Outcome:


Problem Solving

Decision Making

Syllabus Learning Outcomes :

Outcome 5.6 A student analyses attitudes, behaviours and consequences related to health issues affecting young people.

Students Learn About:

• drug use

– effects on relationships

– effects on community

– marketing strategies and the media

– influences on alcohol use and binge drinking

Students Learn To:

• examine the consequences of alcohol use on the individual and community

• describe the short-term effects and long-term consequences of illicit drug use on the individual and community


Whilst growing up, young people experiment various types of drugs including alcohol. I have included this lesson in my blog to give students the knowledge and understanding of the effects of alcohol in relation to their social, mental and physical health. I also believe it is imperative for students to gain skills in assessing situations and speaking out to protect themselves and others.

KLA Integration:

Technology (ICT and web browsing)

English (literacy in varying contexts)

Mathematics (statistics)

Diverse Learner

This activity has been split into 4 parts.

  1. Viewing of YouTube video: for students who learn best visually
  2. Fact sheets: for students who learn best with direct statistics and dot points
  3. Creation of brochure: for students who learn best with creativeness.
  4. Scenario sheets: for students who learn best though a problem solving approach.

Acedemic Literacy

The alcohol fact sheet were sourced from the Community Alcohol Action Network Australia and the South Australian Government.



  1. The first thing I would like you to do is to view the following you tube video
  2. Once you have done this I would like you to comment (at the bottom of this) on the issues rose in the clip. Particularly pay attention to the consequences of alcohol on individuals and the community.
  3. Your task now is to browse the following websites containing a fact sheet on alcohol and its effects. and
  4. Whilst browsing the websites you are required to navigated through the whole website and create a mind map on the information sourced.
  5. With this information you are to create a brochure for YOUNG PEOPLE alarming them of some of the effects alcohol may have on their health, the community, relationships and mental health. As you do this, consider the short and long term effects, and make the information significant to people your age. On the brochure you are also permitted to provide information on where those with an alcohol problem may seek assistance.
  6. You now be required to take part in a problem solving based activity. To do this you are to read the following to scenarios and complete the worksheet below. Once you have done this you are to email your work sheets to, also if you have any questions feel free to contact me.


Scenario 1: Your parents are away on holidays and you have been left with your older brother/sister for the weekend. Your brother/sister tells you he will be taking you to a party with him/her on the Friday night. At the party, you notice everyone is drinking quite heavily and they are continuously offering your drinks, although you have never drank alcohol before. You notice your brother/sister isquite intoxicated and you know you have no way of getting home.

Scenario 2: You and a friend decide to go out to a party that you know there will be drinking at. You both have agreed to look out for each other at the party and only have a few drinks. You have been at the party for a few hours and you notice your friend quite intoxicated and with a bunch of guys you have never seen. You notice they are getting really rough with your mate and they are all very intoxicated... © Andrew Banasik

    Reference List

Community Alcohol Action Network. (2004) Alcohol: the facts. Retrieved October 28, 2008 from

South Australia Drug and Alcohol Services. (2008) Alcohol: the effects. Retrieved October 28, 2008 from

Ward, L. (Producer). (2008, April 18) Wasted Youth [video]. Retrieved October 28, 2008 from

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